Bullet Journal


What is a Bullet Journal?

Well, I'm sure who the mayority of people don´t know the word: Bullet Journal.
Well, a Bullet Journal is a kind of diary ordenate  in months, dais and other catecogories (some aparts that we want to documentate in our bullet journal). Also is called rapid logging and her advantages are that you can have everything easier and beatty.

What kind of things can we write in our Bullet Journal?

We can write things that we want to have organ铆zate or contr贸late on a regulate basis, like: foods, books, series or films that we want to watch, controls, etc..
In the pages that we are going to dedicate about this matter, we need to write (so for example) a title, the date and number the pages.
But first, we need to clear some useful things.

  • Define icons

 To make the registration faster, icons are included for each type of thing that we are going to do, which in general terms would be divided into tasks, events and notes.
We can choose the icons as we like, the ideal would be to assign one of the first pages for the icon legend. For example, if we have to do a specific task, we will draw a square. As we progress in this task, the square can be modified (if we paint a half it will be in progress or if we paint completely it will be finished).
The events are usually put with a circle or a triangle and the notes like a line. We can add some symbols: asterisk if the task is priority, an exclamation if the note is an idea... Whatever you want. 

  • Create an index.

The bullet should include an index at the beginning that we will build as we make our re
cord, and as we are numbering the sheets can include the title and the page where we have written. Some notebooks are already numbered and with index space so that work that we have advanced.
The following four pages to the index can be prepared to display a quarter on each sheet, dividing each of them into three sections, one per month.

The Bullet like an agenda.

It's time to start documenting and organizing month by month. For every month we start, you should set aside an initial page where we write the numbers of the days of the month, one per line, and write in a very short word or phrase what awaits us that day, or the most outstanding task or to which we emphasize.
Then we can dedicate the following pages to each day of the month, but taking the record day by day, because we do not know how much we will occupy the day in question on the agenda. We'll build the bullet every day.
